Complaints & Anti-social Behaviour

What to do

In most cases of minor nuisance or anti-social behaviour we encourage you to discuss this with your neighbour either at the time or the next day. Alternatively, we have included some friendly postcards you can use to drop them a message in your welcome pack or you can collect these from our office.

If you have tried this approach and are still having issues or if you feel that you can’t talk to your neighbour or it’s a sensitive issue you can contact us and we will contact the tenant about their behaviour. We will work with you and others to try to resolve problems.

Call us on 01253 477222 or email us at

If at any time you feel threatened or unsafe we advise you contact the Police. If it is an emergency call 999. For anything else please call 101.

Crime prevention

If you are suffering from or witness crime on your area, please tell us. If the person committing the crime is a My Blackpool Home Tenant they may be breaking the terms and conditions of their tenancy and if so, we may be able to take action.

If you experience an incident that you think is a crime, you must contact the Police in the first instance and then contact Lumen Housing. If you are given a Police Log number then please also provide this to us.

If at any time you feel threatened or unsafe we advise you contact the Police. If it is an emergency call 999. For anything else please call 101.

Hate and harassment

We are committed to reducing hate and harassment and will support victims who experience this behaviour.

If a tenant or any person who may visit or live with them is found to have carried out an act of hate, action will be taken against them as this is breaking our tenancy agreement and may put the tenants’ home at risk.

Domestic abuse

We are committed to reducing domestic abuse in Blackpool, whatever form it takes, and will support victims of domestic abuse.

Domestic violence is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.

What action can we take against Anti-Social Behaviour?

We can’t take action against someone without evidence. We will ask you to put in writing any ASB you see or hear. We may need other evidence, like photographs, video or tape recordings and may have to speak to other people who have witnessed the problem, or liaise with other services such as the Police. It could be difficult to take the case any further without these other witnesses.

You can email reports to us at Please make sure you include your name and address and details of what happened.

Where the evidence shows that ASB has occurred we will take action. In serious cases involving putting people in danger, legal action will be taken. In most situations, we will interview a perpetrator and agree a course of action to encourage them to change their behaviour or risk legal action. (You can ask us not to do this, but it could then be difficult to take the case further).

Types of legal action we can take:

If ASB continues after a final warning – or if someone is in danger – we will take legal action by obtaining court orders to give us:

  • An injunction (a legal order that instructs the perpetrator to stop acting anti-socially); or
  • We can evict the responsible tenant (the tenant is responsible for their own behaviour and for the behaviour of anyone living with them or visiting their home).
  • If you have an introductory tenancy we can defer your eligibility for a secure tenancy.

 How long can it take to resolve the problem?

It may appear that we are not taking any action to sort the problem out. However, if we need to take legal action this can take a long time to prepare the evidence to ensure that the case has the best possibility of being successful at court. In the event of court action being taken, we also have to wait for the courts to set a date for a hearing.

Tenants are protected by their tenancy agreement and this means that we have to go through many steps if we want to take legal action.

We will keep you informed of the progress of our investigation. If you think that we are not doing enough please contact us.

Our Customer Complaints Procedure