Our Journey

We have a clear Mission that is “to substantially improve the standards, choice and management of rental accommodation in the inner areas of Blackpool, helping make its neighbourhoods thriving and desirable places to live.”

Improving homes and neighbourhoods

Formed in the Autumn of 2015, Blackpool Housing Company has set itself the ambitious task of making a critical intervention in the private rented market across the inner areas of the town. Our core aim is to acquire poor quality existing homes and redundant or derelict buildings and to make significant investment in remodelling and renovating them into desirable yet affordable homes for rent.

We will offer a wider choice of homes that set new standards backed by our own dedicated property letting and management team. We have a strong vision to be the ‘Landlord of Choice’ with a branding identity My Blackpool Home and our development focus on improving homes and neighbourhoods through targeted investment that delivers maximum effect.

The Company is driven by a set of core values that are:

  • Offering quality, choice and value for money
  • Providing a friendly customer service
  • Being socially responsible
  • Having respect, integrity and honesty
  • Appreciating and valuing people

Ultimately we are focussed on providing desirable places to live in attractive neighbourhoods where our customers can enjoy a good quality of life.