Our work with the Council

Blackpool Housing Company Ltd is a unique and dynamic regeneration company vehicle established and wholly owned by Blackpool Council.

Our purpose and mission is based upon clear evidence of decline of the inner resort area of Blackpool.

Working together

We are determined that by working together we can tackle the issues of decline through a long term approach and the shared aim that people are provided with a choice of quality rental homes, whilst being supported to take positive steps in their lives and to contribute to the wider community.

Over recent decades, the town has witnessed a fall in demand for traditional tourist accommodation and the resulting unplanned, unintended and unprecedented transition from former guest house, hotel and holiday flat accommodation, into thousands of poor quality permanent residential properties. It is relatively easy to access such accommodation in parts of the town, a situation which is fuelling transience of up to 8,000 largely vulnerable people who move in and out of our inner resort areas each year. In addition to the social costs, this imbalance is playing a significant factor in undermining attempts to regenerate Blackpool, in particular the recovering tourist economy.

With the introduction of My Blackpool Home, we are playing a vital role supporting the Council and other key partners to create quality rental homes in sustainable neighbourhoods, helping to turn this tide.

The Company will invest in change in ways that the Council cannot. Working to the ambitious design standards set by the Council for property that is being converted from former holiday to residential accommodation, we will acquire and refurbish property to create homes of a high standard and provide ongoing high quality letting and management services.

Aimed at establishing a market presence as ‘Landlord of Choice’ we will challenge the dominance of existing poor standard small rented flats largely targeted to Housing Benefit claimants with a property portfolio that is affordable, fresh and offering a varied mix of homes attractive to all local residents and family sizes.

‘A Plan for Change 2016-2026’

Click here to view ‘A Plan for Change 2016-2026’.