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Annual Blackpool Council Staff Event

Blackpool Council Staff Event 2019

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From Lands-End to John O’Groats with our Mascot, Nigel the Wallaby and all in 11 days!

Challenges come in all shapes and sizes and Company Managing Director, Dave Galvin often seeks out those that test his physical and mental comfort zones to the upmost. Like his most recent challenge to cycle the length of the UK from Lands-End to John O’Groats over 11 consecutive days. 

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Walk the Tower

Recently staff members of My Blackpool Home completed the weekly challenge of walking every day from our offices on Lytham Road to the iconic Blackpool Tower! ????

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Northern Housing Awards – 2019 Winner

The award-winning Kirby Road development was completed in January 2019 and was a row of five purpose-built traditional guesthouses that were no longer trading. With the former holiday use no longer a viable option the properties became vacant and were a cause for concern for the local housing enforcement team, this street was in need of substantial investment and regeneration.

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Annual Car Wash

Members of the team lead by Paul Thompson complete a car wash every year to raise funds to support the Revoe fun day and we managed to raise £150 in the day!  The members of the local community could also get involved as they could drop off their cars for a sparkly clean.

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