Current activity covers a number of projects located across the town, all at various stages in the delivery process. Further details of the current key projects are provided below.

Queens Park
The scheme masterplan secures the redevelopment of the Queens Park estate in the Brunswick Ward. The estate previously consisted of 495 units of accommodation, including five high-rise tower blocks and 12 deck-access maisonette blocks, which have now all been demolished. The redevelopment is now almost complete and provides a total of 191 new high-quality affordable rented homes, delivered in two phases by the preferred developer; Lovell Partnerships Ltd. Phase One was completed and occupied in 2015. Phase 2 provides the remaining 99 new homes alongside new public open space, a children’s play area and revamped Layton Rec.

Foxhall Village
The Foxhall Village scheme is delivering housing-led regeneration across 7.69 hectares of land at Rigby Road, in the Bloomfield Ward. The scheme is split over two sites of brownfield land, divided by Seasiders Way. This large scale development is being taken forward under a masterplan to deliver around 400 homes, with green infrastructure, over four phases to 2024. The new homes are being delivered by Hollinwood Homes and their main contractor Marcus Worthington Construction, in partnership with Blackpool Council and Homes England. The development includes a mix of social rented homes, which are available through Great Places Housing Group, and homes for market sale.
The scale and complexity of the project requires co-ordination of multiple stakeholders on behalf of our client, Blackpool Council, including the Developer, Homes England and Great Places. Current Project Management activity is focused on facilitation to ensure delivery of enabling works and preparation of the Phase 3 land that supports the construction of the scheme.

Former Hoyle House, Argosy Avenue
The development is located on the former Hoyle House site at Argosy Avenue, on the edge of the Grange Park Estate. This 0.36 hectare site will provide 19 units comprising of two bungalows, nine houses (a mix of two and three beds) plus a dedicated block of eight assisted living flats. The contractor, Tyson Construction, took possession of the site in July 2018 and work is progressing well. Completion of all the new homes and flats is expected in August 2019. Once completed, the new homes will be managed by Blackpool Coastal Housing.
For further information of social rented homes that are managed by Blackpool Coastal Housing please click here.

Troutbeck Crescent
The development site is located on the Mereside Estate, adjacent to Preston New Road. The scheme includes the acquisition of flats, and the relocation of tenants, from the six existing residential blocks of 81 flats and bedsits.
A Design Team was procured and following two public consultations, a layout and full scheme design was submitted for planning permission in March 2019. The development consists of 75 new residential units, providing a mix of one, two and three bed homes and accessible units along with upgraded public open space. The existing units at Troutbeck Crescent have been vacated by all the tenants and leaseholders and work is ongoing to prepare for demolition of the existing buildings in summer 2019.
A contractor is being be procured with an aim to start building the new properties in late 2019. The project management role requires co-ordination of activities with key stakeholders including Blackpool Council, Blackpool Coastal Housing and the design team, led by Cassidy and Ashton Architects.

Grange Park
Feasibility work to support the definition and scoping of a scheme is ongoing. A concept masterplan has been produced which sets out the three proposed development sites and the associated broad land uses, including housing, retail and open space. The development provides the chance to improve the character of the area and provide new homes and amenities for the local community. The aim is to make sure that development contributes to the character of the estate and improves the quality of life for residents.
Following high-level masterplanning and associated public consultation, current activity is focused on progressing the project to detailed design.
Details of the Grange Park Masterplan and current activity can be found here.